Hello kids,
How are you? happy? sad? sleepy? angry?
Do you remember this song?
Today we are going to learn about the family.
Hoxe imos aprender un pouco sobre a family.
I hope you like the activities
Espero que vos gusten as actividades.
Activity 1: Morning routine songs (empezamos a sesión cunhas rutinas de cancións que publiquei a semana pasada no blogue)
Acitivity 2: Learn members of the family with these flashcards (aprende os membros da familia coas seguintes tarxetas)
Click in this web page to see how they are pronounced, It´s very entertaining.
Fai click nesta páxina web para ver como se pronuncian. É moi divertido. A capela group
Activity 3: Listen and dance (Escoita e baila)
Activity 4: How to draw baby shark (Facemos un debuxo de baby shark seguindo as seguintes instruccións)
Baby shark drawing
You can also colour and make this headband
Baby shark headband
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