5 de maio de 2020

Baby Bird

Hello kids,

Let´s start our class singing our morning routines: Hello song and weather song.
Empezamos a clase cantando as nosas cancións que utilizamos como rutinas e que xa publiquei en entradas anteriores.

What´s the weather like today? Is it sunny? Is it rainy? Is it windy? It´s  rainy
Que tempo fai hoxe? fai sol? fai chuvia? fai vento? Fai chuvia

What can you see in this picture? Is it a dog? Is it a cat?

It´s a bird!   

Today we are going to watch this story:
Hoxe imos escoitar esta historia:

 Click here to watch it : Bird family

Questions? Who helps baby bird to get out of the tree?

Quen axuda a baby bird a saír da árbore?

Answers: Robin, Daisy, mummy, daddy, granny, grandad, sister and brother.

Possible activities: draw a picture of the story, choose interesting words from the story and decorate them...

Actividades posibles: facer un debuxo da historia, escoller palabras interesantes da historia e decoralas...

To finish you can play these games.
Cando rematedes podedes xogar a estes xogos. 

I love these games!

Have a good week!
I miss you!

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